The Malaysian Journal of Pathology
The Official Journal of the College of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia (AMM)

Current Issue: Volume 41 No.3 December 2019

Journal cover Volume 41 No.3 December 2019

ISSN 0126-8635

Indexed in Journal Citation Report, Scopus, PubMed and Google Scholar

  • JCR Impact Factor: 1.8 (2022)
  • Scopus CiteScore: 3.0 (2022)

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Template for Manuscript Submission (compulsory)


Systematic Review

Carbonic anhydrase IX immunohistochemistry has potential to predict renal cell carcinoma outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analyses
Author: Samberkar S, Rajandram R, Mun KS, Samberkar P, Danaee M, Zulkafli IS

Original Articles

Polymorphisms in the androgen receptor CAG repeat sequence are related to tumour stage but not to ERG or androgen receptor expression in Malaysian men with prostate cancer
Author: Tan JSJ, Ong KC, Ong DBL, Wu YS, Razack A, Kuppusamy S, Lim J, Rhodes A

Gleason scores in prostate needle biopsy and prostatectomy specimens in prostatic adenocarcinoma: A correlation study
Author: Awang A, Md Isa N, Yunus R, Azhar Shah S, Md Pauzi SH

Diagnostic performance of anti-RA33 antibody as a serological marker for rheumatoid arthritis
Author: Syed Mohamed Suhail SM, Nur Atiqah I, Nur Salimi Zakirah ZA, Lailatul Syazwani Z, Batis WW, Md Monoto EM, Abdul Wahab A, Mohd Shahrir MS

Elevated serum rheumatoid factor, anti-citrullinated protein antibodies and active rheumatoid arthritis disease are not associated with chronic periodontitis
Authors: Che Rahim MJ, Wan Mohamad WM, Saddki N, Taib H, Wan Abhamid WZ, Wong KK, Wan Ghazali WS

pSTAT3 and MYC in Epstein-Barr virus-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Authors: Teoh SH, Khoo JJ, Abdul Salam DSD, Peh SC, Cheah SC

Effects of prolonged isolation in a confined space on status of oxidative stress and prothrombogenesis: In preparation for possible future manned space expedition to Mars
Authors: Muid S, Abu Bakar NA, Abdul Rahman T, Tengku Ismail TS, Kholin SF, Suvorov AV, Buravkova L, Nawawi H

The diagnostic utility of cytokeratin 19 in differentiating malignant from benign thyroid lesions
Authors: Wa Kammal WS, Yahaya A, Shah SA, Abdullah Suhaimi SN, Mahasin M, Mustangin M, Md Isa N

Parenchyma-stromal interleukin-1 alpha and interleukin-6 overexpressions in ameloblastoma correlate with the aggressive phenotype
Authors: Goh YC, Chan SW, Siar CH

Selection of reference genes for quantitative studies in acute myeloid leukaemia
Authors: Lee C, Yiau KXS, Lee LJ, Chong PP, Chang KM, Abdullah M

Case Reports

A radiological and histological comparison of two unusual adrenal incidentalomas
Author: Loong S, Selvarajan S, Khor LY

A new complex translocation (8;22;21)(q22;q12;q22) in RUNX1/RUNX1T1 acute myeloid leukaemia
Author: Tay Za K, Shanmugam H, Chin EFM

Cytohistology of morule in cribriform-morular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma
Authors: Sakurai K, Onouchi T, Yamada S, Baba Y, Murata T, Tsukamoto T, Kuroda M, Urano M

Salivary gland anlage tumour of the nasopharynx: A case report and review for histopathological characteristics
Author: Başak K, Günhan Ö, Akbulut S, Aydin S

Cellulitis: An unusual manifestation of Neisseria meningitidis infection
Authors: Muhd Yusoff NH, Zainol Rashid Z, Sulong A, Shafiee MN, Ismail Z

Thyroid storm: Is there a role for thyroid function test?
Author: T Ibrahim TZ, Thambiah SC, Samsudin IN, Nasuruddin AN, Zakaria MH

Cellulitis in human brucellosis: An atypical presentation
Authors: Subramaniam K, Ali SU

Multiple umbilical cord strictures in a case of intrauterine foetal demise
Author: Chew MX, Teoh PY, Wong YP, Tan GC

Acute Intermittent Porphyria: A rare cause of hyponatraemia
Author: Zainuddin NM, Sthaneshwar P, DB Vethakkan SR

Abstracts of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the College of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine: Opportunities and Challenges in Laboratory Medicine 2019

Abstracts of the 6th Annual Scientific Meeting of International Academy of Pathology Malaysian Division (IAPMD) 2019: Liver and Pancreas Pathology

Abstracts of the 2nd Biennial Medical & Health Sciences Conference, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman 2019
